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Massage and Bodywork Techniques
Using Bodywork to Manage and Treat Posttraumatic Stress
Massage can help treat mental health concerns as well as physical issues. Those experiencing PTSD, for example, may benefit greatly from massage therapy.
Protocols of Palpation: Basic Methodology to Guide Your Practice
Palpation techniques, which allow massage practitioners to perform a baseline assessment of a client’s body, make up the cornerstone of any massage therapy practice. Though specific palpation techniques may differ depending on the therapist…
Best of 2016: Massagetique‘s Top 10 Massage Therapy YouTube Channels
According to industry data released by the American Massage Therapy Association, more than half of people who get a massage do so for medical reasons. Many people assume massage therapy is all about relieving stress, but massage is also an…
Understanding the Elements of Shiatsu Massage
Today, shiatsu has become a brand name synonymous with massage and relaxation. Retailers offer shiatsu chairs, shiatsu pillows, shiatsu cushions, shiatsu foot massagers, and many other devices. Massage therapists of all sorts practice…