Esalen Massage

Esalen massage is a gentle, soothing massage capable of inducing deep relaxation in the recipient. Using long, graceful strokes to heighten the client’s awareness of bodily experiences, the practitioner gives attention to the entire body in…

Equine Massage

Equine massage, performed directly on horses in order to improve their health, athleticism and overall performance, is often viewed as a spinoff of human massage since many of the techniques employed by equine massage therapists were first…

Structural Relief (SRT) Therapy

A non-invasive massage technique designed to ease chronic pain by targeting and stopping involuntary muscle contraction, Structural Relief Therapy differs from more traditional approaches to massage in that it does not force tense muscles…

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing, a brief, body-centered approach to relieving the negative effects of trauma, is based on the idea that trauma-related symptoms occur when the body's natural response to threat is interrupted, creating an imbalance in…

Rosen Method

The Rosen Method, also known as Rosen Method Bodywork and Movement, involves the use of touch and movement to release tension in the body and promote deeper awareness of felt experience. The techniques move beyond the physical level,…

Balinese Massage

Balinese massage, a traditional Indonesian therapy, combines hands-on bodywork with aromatherapy. This type of massage therapy is derived from a mixture of cultural influences, many of which originated in other parts of Asia. Relaxation is…

Hellerwork Structural Integration

Hellerwork Structural Integration is a type of alternative therapy that helps people release and eliminate unhealthy movement patterns. These patterns of movement are not restricted to the physical body—it is thought that in some cases they…

Healing Touch

Healing Touch, a practice based on the belief that humans have associated fields of energy, or biofields, that interact with other people and the environment in general, is categorized as an energy therapy, which is one type of alternative…